Saturday, October 17, 2009

People at Festival in Houston

Make It University - Melly Mells Testa, Leslie Tucker Jenison, me, Judy Perez and Pokey Bolton
Melly Mells Testa in Open Studios
me and Leslie Tucker Jenison
SAQA President Lisa Chipetine in the SAQA booth holding the new and fabulous Portfolio 16

Heidi Lund and Maggie Winfield
Judy Coates Perez in MIU's Open Studios
Carol Sinnreich, Rachel Parris and me at the Alliance for American Quilts reception


  1. Sherry8:30 PM

    There we are...finally! What fun to have a little bit of time together at the Alliance reception. I look forward to reading your QSOS interview, inspire me!!

  2. great pix from the week! So glad I got to see you again and chat for a while. A half-day was simply not enough for me but I loved seeing it all through your eyes.

  3. Linda Laird9:59 PM

    Dear Jamie,

    Thanks for sharing the beauty and fun of Houston with us. I'm planning to go next year.

    Keep up the good work,
    Linda Laird

  4. Fun photos! It was so nice to meet you at Festival, Jamie, and I loved taking your Make it University class. (I posted about it on my blog.) There is such a feeling of sisterhood at Festival!


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