Saturday, November 27, 2010

Artists Village Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek of a portion of the 3-D house that I am working on.  It reflects my whimsical style by zipping together, vibrant commercial cottons, polka dots (my fav) and a cup and saucer on the roof.  I got to dip into my B&W fabric collection, which was fun.  I have to say that this has been a challenge to create, because it will need to lay flat for shipping...well pretty flat.  This is for an invitational, so I can't show you the entire house, but there are 15 other people making houses too - it takes a village.  8x8x21


  1. I love the colors and the mixture of fabrics.

  2. LOVE the colors! and that coffee cup -yum! Very creative ;o)

  3. Very curious how you got it to fold "flat." I'm working on the final construction of my house now, and that fold flat constraint is a pain.


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