Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Dash to Design with Furnishing Hope

Six to seven seriously wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan are MedEvac'd to San Diego from Iraq and Afghanistan each week to undergo treatment for injuries that range from single or double amputee, post traumatic stress, traumatic brain disorder to cancer. The wives or husbands of these severely wounded soldiers fly to meet them here, leaving everything behind. They arrive here with only a suitcase.  The soldiers are part of the Wounded Warrior Battalion.

Furnishing Hope has been furnishing homes and apartments for these soldiers since January of 2010 calling it "Dash 2 Design".  They load the truck from the warehouse, shop for incidentals and deliver everything the next day. Designers & volunteers unpack and set up the house. It's amazing to see what can be done. To be ON CALL is definitely a challenge to their budget.

Any contribution you can make will make a difference.  Any amount you could give would go directly to helping these young warriors, their families and the many others who will be coming home in the weeks and months ahead establish a home.  Donations can be made directly to Furnishing Hope on their website through PayPal or you can send a check to Furnishing Hope, 3857 Birch Street, #503, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

My contribution to this project is making "Welcome Home" house quilts for the soldiers in the Wounded Warrior Battalion.  Each house quilt is 12W x 16H.


  1. I love these quilts! They just sparkle. I'm sure they will be gratefully received.

  2. Your Welcome quilts are not only lovely but cheery! Just beautiful.

  3. Thanks Jamie for sharing this insight. Sadly, I am aware of the number of soldiers that are injured and various programs to make quilts for them and help them (of which I help). But I wasn't aware of this project to help their families, when they come to visit. I will definitely check it out and see how I can help and increase awareness.

    Your quilts are also beautiful and I'm sure will bring good cheer for others.
    Thank you!



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