Monday, July 04, 2011

Button Button

Let the button sewing begin!  I admit I've only added buttons to the borders of small-ish quilts, so this one is a really big undertaking at 36 wide x 48 high.  Using my Havel's Snip-Eze scissors, which are the greatest for hand sewing.

I usually have all of my buttons sorted by color, but since I don't really use them that way, I threw caution to the wind and into the same large box

Coming 'round the up to 160+ buttons


  1. Lovely and very fun, a button edge. Awesome! :-)

  2. What a great idea!

  3. Lovely texture, COLOR and design -what FUN! I'm crazy for buttons -I just don't like to sew them on :o)

  4. What a colorful collection of buttons. They add alot to your quilt - can't wait to see it in its entirety.


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