Friday, March 09, 2012

Building the Purple House - Part 3

I am cutting out each house part, using the pattern that I made, pinned to the front of the fabric.  I am going to build the house, one section at a time on a Goddess Sheet.  All of the fabrics have been Mistyfused.  If you scroll down to the two previous posts, you can view my process for making an art quilt.

As I go, I cut off the tails, and then set all of the fabric aside, because I might need it for another part of the house

Making this section, I am thinking that this row of flowers will look nice in front of the windows.  They are fused into place

Adding the windows to the upper portion of the flower box section.  I cut out the yellow fabric to use as the windows

Cutting black and white polka dot fabric into thin strips for the window frames.  I am making sure that the windows are not placed in a perfect position, but just a little off kilter.  All pieces are fused into place with a dry iron on medium high heat.

I realized that the flower fabric was not going to work with the windows, so I tore it off the section.  Did you know that Mistyfused fabrics can be repositioned?  As long as they are on another piece of fabric, and not wool felt, they can be easily removed, without leaving a trace of thread.  I decided to make my own flowers.
I think the red flowers are a nice contrast with the purple fabrics.  Red will be used in other places as well, so it will add a nice balance to the piece.

Another section of the house, I am auditioning fabrics to use for the shutters.

This fabric works nice, but I still think it needs a little something else to set them off - -perhaps some mini rick rack, when I get to the sewing stage.

The first section, which is closest to the green landscape.  Funky windows and doors!

Here are the first 3 sections.  Looking pretty fun so far!

Okay, I not going to make myself nuts, by making this round window the way that I've been making the other windows.  I am placing the round window directly onto the window sashing fabric, fusing it down, and cutting around it.

Here is the top level with the round window, bird, and cup and saucer on the roof.  Another bird will be added to the top of the cup later.  It's coming along and I am super happy with how funky it is.
The purple house is now ready for some background fabrics!  Stay tuned.


  1. Thanks very much for these process posts. Your designs very much appeal to me and it is fascinating to see how they are put together.

  2. So delightful! I'll stay tuned for more...


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