Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Funky Folding House Book

This is a project that I started in Open Studios in Houston last Fall.  I used them as an example of how I make my art quilts, on a wool blended felt foundation.  I've been embellishing them ever since with embroidery thread, Bamboo felt, buttons, and other felt embellishments.  It has been fun to work on at home while watching TV.

This is how the back of each house looks.  Are you saying 'yikes!?' - no worries, it gets covered up, when the sides are sewn together!  So, I can be as messy as I want.
This is the Bamboo felt that I used for the windows and doors.  The round circles are from Christmas ornaments that I bought at Target - all circles that made a wreath and a tree - and great for me to take apart and use for other projects.  The Bamboo felt comes in really bright and fun colors, and is easy to cut and to Mistyfuse!  It is made by National Nonwovens.  The wool blended felt that I use on every quilt that I make is by the same company TOY002 is the number.  It also comes in a variety of colors!

One side - all sewn up!

The flip side!


  1. They are delightful!
    Wouldnt they be great as houses decorated for Christmas!

  2. really fun. I love working with wool and wool felt. where are these houses going to live?


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