
Monday, October 14, 2013

Repurposed Dress-Form

I bought a few dress forms at my local Eddie Bauer store when it closed in our mall.  This one was made of silver mesh.  I knew that I wanted to cover it and make the outside a little more sturdy for whatever my vision was for the piece.  I began the re-do in June. I have another dress form in my studio that is painted and stenciled, so my brilliant idea was to collage my new fabrics on this one for my booth area at Quilt Market.

I used Liquitex Matte Medium to adhere the white tissue paper to the dress form. 

Then I painted the entire piece with Gesso
Then I painted it red.  In hind sight, I should have painted it royal blue, but pretty much of the entire dress form is covered with fabric.

front, and it was rather tricky not to get the glare, so I turned off all of the overhead lights in my studio, and used the natural light from just the front door being open

side view with selvage

another view

upper back, and having major a-ha moment here.

lower left side back

selvage, which is so exciting to see my name on it, along with my most favorite fabric company, Hoffman California Fabrics!

Who knew that my watercolors and the crazy notion of cups and saucers on roofs of houses would lead to this?

Dream big, I say!

Packing her up and moving her out - to ship to Houston!
My two best friends for Decoupage - Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish for the sealer, and Matte Medium for the glue that holds it altogether.


  1. What a great idea, this looks amazing.

  2. OMG this is FABULOUS!!!! She is one of the most fun art pieces I have ever seen. What is her name? Perhaps someday, somewhere, I'll get to see her in person.

  3. Wow! What a cool project! Wish I could be in Houston to see it in person! Congratulations on your fabric line!

  4. This is great, so colorful and fun. I have to find some dress forms. I have a leg, but just doesn't work for me.

  5. Love the new blog look and your decoupaging again! Yay!
    Can't wait to see you soon. Congrats on the fun fabric line!

  6. Can't WAIT to see this in person!

  7. Absolutely delightful Jamie! I look forward to seeing your dress form in Houston.


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