
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Traveling in Style!

I had this train case in my studio, just waiting for some fun.  It was already painted with gesso and ready to roll.

I decided that my accent would be the black and white stripe fabric, which is part of my line by Hoffman California Fabrics

I used Liquitex Matte Medium to adhere the fabric to the train case.

Finished front

Finished back

Top one view

Top two view

I am pretty darn happy the way it turned out.  It will look fabulous in my booth inside the Hoffman Fabrics booth at Quilt Market.  More ways to use my fabric line.

Bottom with selvage and more words.


  1. That is really fun, love how it came out. Great idea for covering up ugly boxes too, will have to go digging through my stuff.


  2. I love what you are doing with your new fabric! Your booth will be beautiful. Thanks for sharing and I hope you will have time to photograph the booth and share it at some point for those of us who won't be able to make it this year!


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