
Friday, May 09, 2014

Blogging 101

Over the years people have asked me to help them start a blog and give them tips on how to set it up, post and maintain it.  I use Google Blogger. It's free and very easy to use.  My domain name is here, so my blog can be listed as both a website and blog.  Here are my suggestions on blogging.
I made this blog banner for my blog - it's a watercolor
  1.  Use your first and last name - and have it clearly visible on the opening page.  If you want to get your name out there in the art world, this is a good start.  You have something to share, so put your full name on it.  Don't be shy!  Tell people who you are!
a couple of times a year, I take pictures of myself in my studio.  You know with the long arm out taking the picture. I'd say I take about 30 pictures, before I get one that I really like.  Then I add it to my blog and all other social media out there with my name and face on it.  It's sort of like 'branding' yourself.
  2.  About you - write a couple of sentences about you and your work and keep it simple.  You can even add a photo of yourself, so people can easily connect a name with a face.

3.  Keep your content fresh and up to date.  For example - if you are putting any kind of listings on your blog about upcoming shows or teaching, remove the ones that aren't valid anymore.  Decide on when you want to post.  I started my blog in 2005 and posted twice a month.  Now I post anywhere from every three days to perhaps once a week, depending on how busy I am.  The idea is to have fun and share your work with your readers.

4.  Be friendly and add a 'link' list to your friends blogs and/or blogs that you like.  I think this adds alot of interest to your blog.  I also add the photos of publications that my work is in to one column of my blog.

5.  Encourage your readers to comment, and then decide if you want to reply to the comments.  It's an option.  For me, I like to reply to most of the comments on my blog, so i can better connect with my readers.  I also think it's important to comment on other blogs.

6.  Provide your email address to your readers, so they can contact you privately.  You never know what can come from some of these inquiries - perhaps a sale or two.

7.  Have a variety of ways for readers to follow you.  Now that Google Reader is gone, I use Bloglovin, and you can also follow me by signing up for email updates.  You can always click on the link to follow a blog - the block where all of the faces are in the right column.

8.  Enjoy the Journey - don't let it stress you out.  This is your blog, and post when you can, about the things that you are passionate about.  As your artwork grows, you will start posting more.

9.  The Pages feature on Google Blogger allows you to have stand alone pages, similar to a website.  This is where I list the classes that I teach, my resume, pictures from my studio, and other interests.

10.  Host a Blog Hop with some of your friends.  This is a great way to collaborate, without being in the same studio.  Have a giveaway with a piece of artwork, a stencil, book, etc.  This is another great way to get readers to your blog.  

11.  Talk about your blog on Social Media, so that you can drive new readers to your amazing blog where you share your passion for art!  This is how I type out my blog address for social media  this way people can click on it and get right to you.  I use Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest.

12.  Have fun! I hope to see you in Blog Land.  If you have any questions, please type in your comment and I would be happy to answer via email.  Thanks so much!


  1. Thank you for sharing this very informative post, Jamie! #8 is my favorite suggestion. I tend to stress that I'm not blogging enough.

  2. Can you no longer have followers the old way on Blogger?

  3. Interesting to hear how you handle your blog!

  4. Thanks for the tips I think I might want to try blogging and these have helped me get more serious about it.

  5. I always love your blogs, and have it delivered to my email automatically. Perhaps some of the ladies don't know that if they click on the Title is will take you to the blog and they can comment. Bloggers love hearing from their readers.

  6. Great post, Jamie. You are a continual inspiration to me! Glad we collaborate in numerous things!

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  10. It is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for both aspiring and seasoned bloggers alike. With its clear and concise explanations, practical tips, and actionable advice, this guide equips readers with the essential knowledge and skills needed to create engaging and successful blogs. From choosing the right niche and setting up a blog to mastering content creation, SEO techniques, and social media promotion, "Blogging 101" covers all the bases, making it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to thrive in the world of blogging.
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  11. When starting a blog, engaging with your audience is key. One effective way to do this is through blog comments. Responding to comments helps build a sense of community and shows your readers that you value their input. Make sure to reply promptly and thoughtfully - acknowledging their thoughts or questions shows that you are actively listening. Encourage discussion by asking open-ended questions and inviting different perspectives. Remember to moderate comments to ensure a positive and respectful environment. Engaging with your audience through blog comments not only improves reader loyalty but also helps to generate more traffic to your blog. So, embrace the power of blog commenting and watch your blog grow!

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    Be specific and relevant to the content of the blog post.
    Add value to the conversation by sharing your insights or personal experiences.
    Keep your comment concise and respectful.
    Avoid generic or spammy comments.
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  13. Blogging 101: Blog Comments
    When it comes to blogging, engaging with your audience through blog comments is a crucial aspect of building a community around your content. Responding to comments not only shows appreciation for your readers' input but also encourages further discussion and interaction. Make sure to reply promptly and thoughtfully to each comment, addressing any questions or feedback. Additionally, consider asking open-ended questions in your blog posts to prompt more comments and spark conversations. Remember, the comment section is a valuable space for fostering relationships with your audience and gaining insights into their preferences and opinions. By actively managing and participating in blog comments, you can create a vibrant and engaging online community around your blog.

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