
Sunday, July 06, 2014

Foot Surgery Coming Up

Here is my scooter again, ready to meet the next challenge.  I am having out-patient surgery on the 10th of July, to correct 2 things in my left foot, which they call 'minor,' so I am hoping that is what shakes out on the cutting table.  I have to be completely off my foot for 13 days, to enable complete healing.  Then in a brace for the remainder, which I have no idea what the timing will be there.  I am hoping and praying that this will be the last surgery on this foot.

Crutches ready.  I've had these for over 30 years, and they are great!  They are upside down in this photo, by they have comfort handles and don't hurt your underarms.

The boot, that I've been wearing for 6 months, will take a bit of a break.  I am sure I will be wearing it when I travel, but I am okay with that.  It really protects my foot.

Prayer Flag for healing

Prayer Flag to remind be to just b r e a t h e.  So keep me in your prayers and send me good vibes for July 10th. After surgery, I'll be at home resting, drawing, watching Netflix and trying to maintain a very positive attitude about the whole thing.
This is a project from the group 'the documented life project,' that I belong to. Prompts are given out at the beginning of each week.  One of the projects is a weekly calendar.  This week you are suppose to include an Instagram picture on one of your pages.  I did not, but created just my plans for the week, day by day.

Page is 9x12, and I used magazine lettering, patterned hand made papers, Sharpies, Copic markers and a white gel pen to create this work.

I can see the value for doing this type of artwork, and see where i can expand my ideas, colors, and use die cuts, and stencils.

I can't see doing this every week, because it was rather time consuming, but maybe once a month will fit into my life.

The work on The Documented Life Project site is truly inspirational.  I felt that this week was a good week to highlight, since I am having foot surgery. Onward and upward!


  1. Will be remembering you! I hope you get lots of inspired ideas down on paper and cloth while recouping! Marlynne Snare Folk Artist

  2. Prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I think I would go nuts if I had to wear a boot and not use my foot, lol. I have been walking on a broken toe for most of the year, maybe I will have it looked at, after the summer;)


  3. Sorry you have to have surgery, not ever fun! Good luck, looks like you are ready. Your are in my thoughts and I will be thinking of you on the 10th. Great DLP pages and the prayer flags are perfect.

  4. Healing energy comes your way. May you recover fast and painless :-)

  5. I'll be thinking of you; I know it's SO hard to slow down to a snail's pace, but I also know you will make the best of it. You are so creative and talented and inspirational--there'll be lots of good vibes coming your way. :)

  6. Hope your surgery goes well. You'll be scooting about in no time:) Frustrating to have to slow down ,but I hope the time passes productively for you.x

  7. Sending best wishes and healing energy to you-you'll be in my prayers, too:) I LOVE your prayer flags! You are too talented to be laid off for long, lol. Hugs

  8. I will be thinking and praying for you. That boot looks a bit too boring and I am sure it could be decorated in your amazing creative style!

  9. Here's to your surgery go smoothly and you being back in the saddle soon, fully-healed! Sending love to you!

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