
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Dream Studio - an ongoing journey

I realized that my studio is an ongoing project, always changing to see what works better.  I come in here everyday with a huge smile on my face, and ask myself "what can I create today?"  I am in my dream studio for sure.  This month I decided to tackle one part at a time, so that it's not to overwhelming.  Take this part, the sewing area.  The small cart on wheels has all of my sewing stuff - for immediate use, and I roll it to the side of my sewing table when I am using my machine.

I painted this cabinet months ago, and it is still standing in the middle of the room, waiting to go to its new spot

I moved one of the steel racks on wheels over to the sewing area. Now all of my sewing machines are in one place, and other supplies.  It fit perfectly into the space, and right next to my new design wall.

This are is getting cleared up, which is good.  I may decide to put another design wall on the left, where the household screen is right now.  It might be a great place to display artwork that is for sale!

I have moved the cabinet to the space where the other wire rack was, which gives me a clearer view from the back to the front. 

New home for the "paper" cabinet
I need to tackle this area of junk, and sort through everything.  The white cart is full of stencils, and artwork

Next on the agenda is to clean out whatever is sitting on these two chairs.

Standing in the middle of my studio looking towards the door, you see my design table arrangement, which is on my agenda for August.  A big wide table with shelves underneath.  For those of you who are just finding my blog, my studio is located in an industrial park with other artists.  I have a huge one room space, which I love!

The sitting area and inspiration wall is my most favorite part of my studio. I have rested on this couch everyday since my foot surgery in February of 2013.  It is a calming, yet inspirational place to sit and look at everything on the great wall.  And if I could get on a ladder, I would add more to the upper portions of the wall.

New desk for my studio, from home, which is literally held together by duct tape.  It was perfect for this spot.  Cabinet holds Keurig coffee maker and k-cups, that I only need in the cold months.  Supplies in the drawers, water in the middle.  Frig on top with cups, and such.  The other two tables are holding areas for upcoming classes, projects, and things that need to go somewhere else.  Nice little stacks.  The white wool blended felt is rolled up and ready to go on the new design wall.  Need a ladder, and someone else to stand on it.  I think this might be a two person job.

The stash wall.  I really need another shelf for fabric, so I am contemplating about that.  I could have one just for my fabric lines.  Maybe in August.

The paint table in the back portion of my studio, by the bathroom and truck door.  This is where the magic happens with paint, stencils, decoupage and other fun stuff.  And a concrete floor in which paint can land on and stay.  Just makes me smile to think about that fact.  My last studio was all forest green carpet, and I had to be very careful.  This is clear in the back, away from all of my quilt making.

The table with the lime green and orange fabric around it is my Sizzix Big Shot Pro cutter. I want to completely clean underneath the cart, and then store all of my dies for all of my machines under there.  This is the big, non portable machine, that cuts the big dies. The table is on wheels, so I can move it into my design area, when I need to.  I have a Big Shot and a Fabi too, and they are both completely portable.  These machines make my quilting life so much easier!
This is the area where the 2 chairs were stuffed with bags of stuff.  Everything has been cleaned out, put away, including the chairs.  Yay!

Looking from my design table to the front door.  My prayer flags are all hung on the left side of the door.  More to come...stay tuned!
Decals from Ikea to brighten up the blank walls in the bathroom!


  1. You sure have a huge space. Mine is much, much smaller, but, of course, I create much less than you do. I'm sure, if I had more space, I'd fill it up too, so I'm very happy with what I have and will continue my struggle to contain and organize the mess.

  2. When are you putting your foot up? Love your studio, thank you for showing it.. I thought I was in heaven when we finished our house and I have the attached 2 car garage space for my studio, I thought I would never fill it.. I can't even take a good photo, because of everything that is in there.. So you are making me feel so much better, and Maybe contributing to my wanting to organize a bit better AGAIN ! Maybe later!


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