
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Mistyfuse and Me!

I am so honored to have my face on the new packaging of the 10 yard packs of Mistyfuse.  My most favorite fusible web, that works great every time I use it, and it doesn't change the hand of the cloth.
Here is a very large panel.  I pressed it first with my hot iron on the cotton setting, to press out all of the creases.
On my design table, I have a 'Holy Cow' Goddess Sheet to protect my table.  Goddess Sheets are available in a few different sizes on the Mistyfuse website.  The skeleton panel is wrong side up, and I am rolling out a 18" bolt of Mistyfuse, and then laying a Fat Goddess Sheet over the top to protect my iron.  I move the iron in a circular motion all around the top, to bond the Mistyfuse with the fabric.  I want a nice shiny look when I peel back the Goddess Sheet.  If it feels lacey by touch, I fold the Goddess Sheet back down, and press it again. Let cool before removing the sheet.

I am moving the Fat Goddess Sheet down my panel, so I have Mistyfuse on the entire skeleton.  My goal is to fussy cut it out, and lay it on a piece of hot pink fabric, for extra fun!

Stay tuned for a later post about the skeleton project.
and for smaller projects, I like to use the 12" bolt of Mistyfuse.  Just roll it out and cut it, making sure that the Mistyfuse doesn't overlap over the fabric.

I lay a Goddess Sheet over the top and then glide my iron the top in a circular motion, making sure that I get the edges.

Wait till it cools down, before trying to release the Goddess Sheet or a piece of parchment paper.  It will be hot!  I was hoping that you would be able to see the shine in this photo, that tells you that you have a nice fuse with the fabric

Here's an even smaller piece of fabric.

Now you can see the Mistyfuse glow!  It's a thing of beauty!


  1. I love Misty Fuse also.. Question, you had a machine that cuts letters etc.. We were in a" Brothers Store" and there was "a Cutting" machine, that is supposed to do all sorts of cuts with it's own scanner.. I am not sure it would work for my type of fiber art. Can you talk about that sometime on your blog, I know you use some sort of machine. But what are the benefits, and draw backs.

  2. Congratulations and you are the perfect spokesperson for them. I enjoy reading your posts with ideas and tips on using it.


  3. Congratulations great to see your photo on Misty Fuse. I was able to get a friend to get some in the States for me and I love using it! I am currently fusing leaves onto my tree with Misty fuse. Thanks for the tip to let it cool before trying to remove the sheet.


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