
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Quilt Show in Colorado

In March, I traveled to Denver, Colorado to tape some segments with The Quilt Show.  It was totally exciting and I am still smiling about it to this day.  Their studio was huge. Everyone was helpful. It was in front of a live studio audience!  I had the time of my life.

Alex Anderson, Ricky Tims, Shelly Heesacker (producer) and me are having a conversation about the opening introductions.  See that quilt all folded up on the table?  That's the first quilt that I ever made, way back in 1981.  You'll have to watch the show in July to see what's inside.

From the sidelines, to see the set and the TV monitor

My first segment was with Alex Anderson, all about fabric design, and making prayer flags!  She is holding one of my small flags for the audience.
Something about the iron had to be really interesting!

Getting ready for the cameras to roll.  You can see my quilts on the wall behind me.  A line of prayer flags above the quilts made from my Heart and Soul Sisters line by Hoffman Fabrics.  We talked about Mistyfuse and used a Sizzix Fabi die cutter on set.

Gearing up for segment 2 with Ricky Tims - all about going from sketch to quilt. And make a house quilt with a hexagon sky!  Too fun!

Ricky is sharing some pages from one of my Moleskin sketchbooks

Sharing and talking about my sketchbooks, which was totally fun!

During the taping of my second segment.  I had one of my friends come and take pictures with her big camera too, so those will be coming along soon, and from my iPhone.  So stay tuned.


  1. I am excited to get to see your Quilt Show taping !

  2. fun! looking forward to seeing this in the future!

  3. anticipation...!!...can hardly wait...!!...

  4. Hurry July! Congratulations on your new Quilt Show!

  5. So cool, Jamie! congratulations! Hope I'll get a chance to see the episode.


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