
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Best Wishes Book

My sister asked me to make a book of hand painted tags for her daughters wedding shower.  The idea is for guests to write their good wishes on the tags.  They would be tied into a book for the bride.

I started this by drawing small designs on the end of Uline tags with a Sharpie pen, then hand painting each one with watercolor paint

Here is the Uline tag.  It's a nice size 6-1/4 x 3 and white #S-2416-W.  One side is slick, and not good for painting, but the other side is slightly less slick.  The paint kinda pools on the tags, which I really like.  It was a little daunting drawing all of the designs.  When I got 30 done, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I used Grungeboard to make the front and back cover


A variety of colorful designs

I made about 60 tags, a true labor of love

They are all pretty different, and I wanted each one to be bright and cheerful

How long did it take?  Hours and hours, days to design and paint!  A lovely handmade gift that I hope will give them joy for years to come! 


  1. That is the coolest idea ! You're designs are all so pretty and fun to look at ! Love it Jamie !

  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    what a great idea that will be a lovely keepsake for the bride to have of her day.

  3. Beautifully done! The bride is so fortunate to have a talented artist Aunt like you to create such a wonderful keepsake for her!

  4. what an awesome gift!!! a TRUE labor of love!!

  5. What a clever idea, of course it came from a clever lady! Just might have to steal this idea!

  6. Such a great idea, lots of work. It will be something for the bride and groom to treasure forever!

  7. Spectacular Jamie! Each individual drawing and then oh WOW as a whole. and in case you're looking for another project to do...I would love a font of your handwriting too and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  8. This is something they will cherish forever; I know I would. And just think about any children in the future that would love them as well....{ I can also see a line of fabric using these drawings Jamie... { wink-wink... }

  9. What a lovely idea. I bet you could publish a little tear out booklet of this for bridal showers


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