
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Digging Out - Revisiting Old Work

I've been digging out, cleaning up and reorganizing my studio for a couple of months.  it has been fun to discover old artwork tucked away, and alot of other weird things that i can't believe that I saved. 'what was I thinking?'  But these pieces were a great find and it is fun to look back on my earlier career.   Watercolors from around 2003, made on a deck of giant playing cards.  The face is a rubber stamp

Art Girl

Love this quote

Sing Your Own Song


Wild Woman from 2009 is 24" square

Detail.  Hand sewn blue beads that frame her face

Detail 2.  See those houses?  So much of my signature style!

La Vie Boheme: The Happy Life  2006

This quilt was shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX.  Other people recognized my signature style, before I even realized that I had one

Living Out Loud 2006.  37.5W x 26.5H was included in the book "500 Art Quilts" by Lark Books


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