
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Those In-between Times

Even though it looks like nothing has changed, the studio has.  This is my view when I walk in the door in the morning, and the last thing I see when I turn off the lights, when I depart.  It is truly my inspiration.  I feel so blessed to have this dream studio.

The rocking chair from my childhood.  I was rocked in this chair as a wee child. The upper portion has been painted, and now we are waiting for time to paint the bottom.  Or maybe it should just stay white?  A mix of the old with the new.

The new design table sits in all of its glory, holding onto all of my projects and storage underneath

I thought it would be cool to see this typewriter from the looking down view.  I went sort of crazy taking these views, because I thought they looked interesting and I found it amusing.

a better view of the design table
Looking down into a cup of pens

The top of my red rolling cart by my design table.  Okay, you are probably wondering what that round cardboard thing is?  It's a bolt of zipper trim.

Gosh, this looks a mess and I don't even know what this is a picture of.  And there were many more like this to choose from, so I didn't include anymore of these!

The old scale belonged to my dad, and a button jar belonged to my mother.  My sister and I spread their ashes at sea last weekend.  Many of their favorite things have become my treasures and are in my studio.  I love that.
One of my beloved old paint palettes that I've had for a couple of decades, and maybe even more.  My daughter bought me two new shiny ones from NYC for Christmas last year.  Such a thoughtful gift.

The globe

I like this shot, through a metal vase and onto a watercolor palette
And this is my most recent work 'Rama Lama Ding Dong' for the Dinner at Eight Artists exhibit 'Affinity.'  It measures 40x40 and I am over the moon about it.  The exhibit of 40 quilts will be shown at International Quilt Market and Festival in Houston this fall.  Click here to visit the d@8 artists blog. This exhibit is co-curated by me and Leslie Tucker Jenison. 


  1. Had to laugh...the typewriter and table picture looks like a steampunk aboriginal mask at first glance. One could easily envy your wealth of creative space. It's large!

  2. Lovely tour. I'm glad you have such peaceful and comforting remembrances of your mom and dad.


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