
Friday, April 22, 2016

Kitchen Redo 2016

I admit that I haven't been spending very much time in my studio, since we started the remodel of our kitchen.  Got a bunch of deadlines done, so I could spend most of my time here for the beginning of the project.  Here it is on the first demo day.

And other angle so you can see the upper cabinets.  The uppers on the right side are leaving and never coming back

The pantry and door will be completely reconfigured

Ovens, frig and stove have always been really cramped and only one person at a time can cook by the stove. Super frustrating.

Funny thing, the sink was not centered under the window. New design will have it in the right place

Let the demo begin!

Frig out, and upper cabinet doors.  This wasn't a smash and throw, like you see on HGTV, but a more meticulous demo

The creepy look from the family room with the plastic sheeting to shield us from hoards of dust

My temporary kitchen.  Toaster, coffee maker, kettle, George Foreman Grill.  Not enough counter space, just like our kitchen

another view inside the kitchen with the cabinets out

Cabinets, ovens, frig and stove all out
The gut

Narrowing down my paint colors.  Still undecided at this point.

Pantry framed out.  Stay tuned for more progress. Going to sneak in some time at my studio today.


  1. What fun! After the dust settles, anyway. Will enjoy following this project.

  2. I hope the puppy is staying and what color will he or she be?

  3. WOW A total makeover--am sure the results will be amazing

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    It looks like it will be worth it! I like the blues for a kitchen - mine is a watercolor/sky blue and to me it brings the beautiful summer sky right inside.


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