
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Page a Day - a New Series

Have I ever told you how much i love old books?  Well I do. I love to go to the used  bookstore and find treasures.I have been on the look out for reference cook books that I could draw on the pages. I know, eeek.  I found this rather large book 'the New Household Encyclopedia' written in 1939 - a British publication in two volumes. It is larger than a piece of paper and about 1-1/2" thick and heavy.  I have the second volume. It took me a couple of months to find the courage to draw in this book.

I decided that this would be an excellent way for me to expand my horizons on the drawing level, so of a challenge. Draw the subjects on the page

And some subject I may have to look up in my World Book Encyclopedias - yes I still have a set for reference

and I am learning about a whole bunch of things

These are very quick sketches. No pencil, just go with the flow

I am selecting pages of subjects that I know something about, because I know I can draw some fun objects

One of my fav subjects - houses/apartments

Hmmm, how does one draw a pickle?

and mattresses and springs?  So fun. I am posting a page a day, except Sunday on Instagram.  Follow me!


  1. Wonderful, creativity with abandonment. Doing it your way! My father would make marrow jam with ginger, lovely on grilled meats, thanks for the memory.

  2. Love your creative ideas, they always spur ideas in me

  3. Great idea and use for an old book.

  4. What a clever idea!!!! Could watercolor some of them too for added interest!


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