
Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Made with Love

My plan for this art quilt - a wedding gift - was to collage a variety of red fabrics to create a large heart.  All of the fabrics were pre-fused with Mistyfuse. I made a heart pattern first, so I would know where the fabrics would be placed.

I pinned it to the heart, so I could cut out the pattern

and here is the beautiful big red heart. Everything about this wedding was about hearts and love

I made a typewriter with black and white fabrics.  The keys are Hoffman Fabrics - pre-made, so I would not have to do them by hand. Gotta love that. The groom uses a vintage typewriter in his art, so it was fitting that the heart should come out of the typewriter

I am measuring to make sure it is all straight

working on the background fabrics, which have all been collaged together, like the heart.  Instead of laying the background fabric over the entire piece, I am cutting it to fit it slightly under the heart, so I don't have so much bulk
This shows you that process

First look at my art quilt. I do not like the typewriter. It is too flat and has no personality.  It needs a re-do.
So, I made it more vintage with the ribbon cartridges on top, took out the black and white stripe.  One of the greatest things about Mistyfuse, is that you can take things like this apart when it is fabric to fabric, without any issues. I really like this feature. It makes my life so much easier.

Here is the program book for the wedding festivities

The logo for the wedding was a red heart with their initials. It's the icing on the cake!

a closer look

Initials were fussy cut

another detail
I am so happy with how this turned out.  I hope the happy couple loves it as much as I do. It has aluminum pop tops hand sewn on the back for easy hanging on the wall. Quilt with Love


  1. Love it, very inspiring. Funny how just a few changes made the typewriter more dynamic. Seems like their story is just waiting to be typed away on this quilt. How big?

  2. What a beautiful personalized gift. Lovely.

  3. That is a beautiful piece and I am sure they will love it. I have done hearts like that, but on the primitive side and more like crazy quilting, fun to sew scraps together to make shapes.


  4. I Love the Quilt! It truly looks like it was made with love!

  5. Lovely and thoughtfully made quilt1 Congratulations!


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