
Friday, December 16, 2016

Liturgical Commission made with Love

I love it when a friend asks me to make something very personal for them and in this case a stole that she will wear over her robe as a minister of God.  She wanted it to be purple with some red. I could visualize her wearing this and it gave me much joy when I was sewing.

Most everyone knows that I pretty much only use black thread in my work, but for this project I chose lavender. It's such a beautiful color!

All the fabrics were fused with Mistyfuse ahead of time and collaged together to create this look.  One of my favorite things to create is an interesting background and that is where collage comes into play. Batiks, combined with commercial cottons from my own fabric lines. 

There were certain words that she wanted on the stole and since she wanted to have red also, that this color would stand out on the purple background.  The lettering was cut on a Sizzix Big Shot/Fabi machine

You can click on it to see it larger

Up close

and a little closer to see all of the fabrics.  You may be wondering why there are rectangles of blue in the mix?

another close up

Making out way to the lower portion

That's my hand flipping over one side so you can see the rest of the blue fabric. I used it because my friend loves the ocean. So, there are pops of this fabric on the front and then larger pieces on the underside. Stole is not washable. I find it particularly satisfying when a client cries upon receipt of art. 


  1. This stole is absolutely gorgeous!! And how fun to see that on the pastor every Sunday!! I'll bet it did give you joy as you worked on it!!

  2. I'm sure she thought it just perfect!

  3. Really beautiful. You can feel the love in it. I'm sure your friend is thrilled with it.


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