
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Playful Fabric Printing

On Monday after Craft Napa, a group of friends got together in Pokey's Art Barn to make some art straight from Melanie Testa and Carol Soderland's new book "Playful Fabric Printing" that was published by Pokey Bolton - Crafting a Life
We were going with a 'X' and 'O' theme, so I hand cut with scissors these shapes out of fun foam with self adhesive on one side

The shapes were put together on clear plastic sheets for easy printing

A reflection of me in the window wearing my Yoda hat. (a gift from Leslie Jenison).  It was cold in the barn and this hat helped keep me warm

We are working with thickened dyes - the thing that Carol and Melly are famous for.  The color grids in the book were perfect matches for the dyes that we were using. I have never worked with this type of paint (dye) before, so it was a learning experience for me

My first three printing projects

This is a sheer over a cotton fabric and I am liking the look.  I would have never thought about using sheer fabrics, but it worked and it got the wheels in my head turning!  Also, I don't like to wear gloves when I work with paint, so I have alot of paint on my hands.  The mark of a true artist.

This is alot of fun and I think I may have to tackle some chapters in this book on my own to see what i can create.

I used a brayer to glide the dye onto the foam stamps

We have some sort of weird thing about taking pictures of our feet. So here you go.

Came home, soaked the printed pieces in cold water and a little Dawn and added ice cubes to the mix

Here are my pieces fresh from the clothes dryer

I particularly like this one.  Their book is amazing!  Click on Crafting a Life above to get to the website to order your own book!  You will be so happy!

Thinking that I would like to add some black outlines to this one

Melly Testa, Pokey Bolton, Leslie Tucker Jenison, Wendy Richardson, Carol Soderland, me and Judy Coates Perez - a fun time had by all!

Here we are putting some pics on social media. We are such geeks!


  1. Great ideas and I love the attainable simplicity with such interesting results. I suspect that I would really love this book!

  2. I just received my copy of the book - now need time to read it!

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