
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Off to Quilt Market

I am off to Quilt Market this morning!  I am so excited to see everything and introduce my new line with RJR Fabrics!  hopscotch My Schoolhouse is on Thursday at 11:35 am in Room 260
My entire line so beautifully displayed. Photo by Holly DeGroot. 84 pieces. A blender line.
Charm Pack Pattern that will be given out at my schoolhouse. Two different charm packs!
The first 100 people get this custom package of Mistyfuse with their charm pack
hop skip jump - one of the last pieces that I made with my line. It is full of joyful color! Onward and upward we go!  hopscotch by RJR Fabrics!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie, love the school house with the library card for information. Too Clever! But the Charm Pack diamond pattern is just amazing! Well Done!


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