
Thursday, June 01, 2017

My Favorite So Far - 100 Day Project

A selection of favorites from the 100 Day Project, and not in any order. If you follow me on Instagram, I post one a day. Hand drawn without using a pencil is my personal challenge for this project. My iron 'Bess' sitting on my design table in my studio.

#10 - the scissor house. A pair of scissors is hard to draw without using a pencil first.

Tomato Pin Cushion House #15 from my imagination

#18 clothing patterns. I used to make my own clothes, and I see myself going back to that soon

#21 the sweetest pin cushion ever!

#27 an awkward stack of bowls

#30 a cozy chair and rug from my imagination

#32 It is much easier to draw a Starbucks cup that to draw on one. This would be my choice for artwork on the cup. Love coffee!

#36 a more realistic drawing of my iron 'Bess.'


  1. I'm enjoying your 100 day project on Instagram But I think you need to do 365/6 and make it into a calendar!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I also enjoyed the 100 day project and yeah more of that would really come in handy. I am officially a fan of this blog already


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