
Thursday, June 08, 2017

Painting for Fun

Every once in a while I feel it's important for me to work outside my medium of making quilts. I am in the midst of taking an online class with Alisa Burke. Painters Bliss. This class teaches, inspires and encourages us to be loose, and begin with no plans.  This is my beginning.

I am painting on a wood board, and I have to say that this was alot of fun, like letting the paint drip.

I enjoyed painting layers of colors in thickness and in transparency

I loved the look of dripping yellow paint

And here is my finished piece. I used stencils by StencilGirl Products to give some texture to the piece. I am happy with the results. I am about 2 weeks behind in classes, but I hope to catch up next week. One thing about her classes is that you can access the site forever, so I can do this with my availability of time.


  1. Love this! How is the course coming along? I've been thinking about taking it and wondering if I should :)

  2. your quilts look really good jay keep up the good job I believe with the much help I got from essaydune discount code and your blog post I wont encounter lots of challenges when making my quilt

  3. These painting are really good. Why don't you do a degree program in Arts

  4. Amazing painting. Will get my hands on painting once I am done with studying form the GRE App

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