
Monday, July 31, 2017


Nothing more soothing for my feet that to swim in the pool.

It is so inviting now that it is done and the plaster is black and the tile is dark blue

I bought this rainbow striped unicorn as a gift for the new pool

the Plumeria is blooming.  This is a native Hawaiian plant, but grows here quite beautifully

The ultimate Southern California photo

a close up of Milkweed - the butterfly plant

Friends came over for an afternoon of eating ice cream, and sitting out on the deck. Libby Williamson and Michelle Banton. What a treat to have them here!

Steve and me at a wedding!
Bandit was right under my feet when my coffee cup tipped and poured coffee on his head. A nice stripe. His head smelled so good!
A little TV filming in our city in July for American Horror Story. I actually thought we were getting a new restaurant in Orange. Clever name for a meat restaurant.


  1. Glad to see that all is right in your world!

  2. What a refreshing pictures you have with all of us. I too love to walk in a swimming pool it give me so refreshing and soothing feel.

  3. I am a very curious person by nature and i love taking a peak in other peoples life, keeping that in mind i am jealous, you seem to be having an amazing time!


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