
Saturday, February 17, 2018

This and That

When I am working on secret projects it hard to find things to blog about. Soon those things will be revealed, but for now this is what I can share. I have a nightly ritual of hand sewing wool felt to create 10-12 inch blocks. I love the slow stitch and it is quite relaxing. National Nonwovens has variety packs of wool blended felt which I use for these projects. This is also a class that I teach ‘Zen Stitching.’ 

You may ask what I do with all of the wool blocks? I am putting them together to create a wall quilt. They will need to be hand sewn to one large piece of black wool blended felt. I can’t wait to get started!

At the end of the year I had a custom doll made of me by Noodle and Lou (Etsy). She is about 10” tall and will hang on the wall in my studio. Isn’t she remarkable? 

A close up. She really captured me as an artist who draws and sews. See the Orange a Pink things, that is my Fabric from Sewing 101. Love the red sewing machine. Every detail is so thought out even down to my hazel eyes. And the Sharpie!

A little reference for Sewing 101 so you can see the button Fabric. She did some research!

I told her that I love polka dots. Here is my polka dot fabric stash, well one of them. 

I’ve been doing some collecting of fun old things. Look at this cool old black phone!

And then I found this old shiny iron from the 40’s and it’s name is ‘American Beauty.’ It has a transparent red Bakelite handle. It looks like the early version of my present iron in the background. Both are dry irons.

Back on the path of Pages from my Sketchbook. Chinese New Year and year of the Dog. The Patchwork dogs.

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