
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Migrant Alphabet

I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this project. The Migrant’s Alphabet. Jane Davila asked me in June if I wanted to participate and of course, I said yes. 

Inspired by a book from 1846 (The Anti-Slavery Alphabet), leading mixed media artists and activists from all over the US started a project, called the Migrant’s Alphabet, to bring awareness, education, and conversation to the current crisis of immigration in the United States and around the world. The Migrant’s Alphabet exhibit of 26 mixed media artworks will debut at City Lights Gallery in Bridgeport CT, opening October 4, and then travel to a variety of venues across the nation. A book is being published of all of the art and the accompanying poetry. All proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to organizations defending and working to better immigrant communities. The Migrant Alphabet website is under construction and will serve as a resource for education, links to donate funds, the art on view with statements and links to the individual artists, and information about the exhibits and events.

E is for Empathy 

I was outraged at the comments on mainstream media by so called Christians and other’s that were quick to judge other people’s circumstances without being able to feel any sort of empathy or compassion for them. 45’s rhetoric dancing in their heads. Most of the negative comments that people wrote had absolutely no idea what these parents and children go through to seek asylum in our country. I ask you to put yourself in their shoes! Walk a few hundred miles with your children. 

Stenciled background and letters on watercolor paper and then stitched on a sewing machine to felt. I painted and stenciled the sides of the 12”canvas. Boots are a photograph of my actual Doc Martens. I hand stitched the 12x12 to the canvas and stapled the corners down with a staple gun. 


  1. So powerful, Jamie. Thank you for pushing against the hatred!

  2. Empathy seems to be an unknown quantity in Trump’s America. Thank you for highlighting the importance of this human emotion. It helps us build powerful connections across cultural and socio-economic chasms.


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