
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Four Weeks Out from Surgery

Recovery is going well. Sometimes frustrating, but most times pretty positive

A doodle in my pattern book

Failure to get me and my walker into the back yard

And today, I got outside! 

Today was a good day!

Field trip to my studio

Field trip to my friend Libby’s studio for some art fun with her and Jill Berry!

Having workmen in my house while I am in a wheelchair was rather scary, but my husband kept calling to make sure everything was alright

One month since hip revision surgery and still can’t put much weight on my left foot. Still using a wheelchair and my walker, but getting stronger everyday. Hopefully, all of this confinement will strengthen my hip and heal the way the doctor hopes it will. I want to go swimming. Alas, wait g for my incision to heal so that I can!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!! I found it through Marie Bostwick and I'm so in love with your journaling style. Can't wait to see more!


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