
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Gardening is My Other Passion

This garden area has been a mess. It seemed where the potted plants went to die. It needed a serious re-do. I removed the flagstone first

Painstaking job of breaking up all of the dirt

Adding mulch and mixing it in, AND taking many breaks to rest my back

Path and stones near raised beds to access herb garden above

First plantings. I need to move the blue pot that is very unwieldy 

It is slowly getting planted

A side view

I had so many pink and purple flowers that I had to go to the nursery and buy orange, yellow and red to balance the colors!

I took a lot of plants out of pots and planted them in the ground

My cart at the nursery

It’s coming together

I love the pathway!

Growing new succulents from cuttings. This part of the garden - lower portion will become part of the extended patio. Happy gardening and making the world a better place

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