
Friday, August 20, 2021

Love is in the Air

Last week 80 vaccinated people attended the love and joy filled wedding of Pokey & Patrick in Napa. I’ve known Pokey since 2003. She founded Quilting Arts magazine and later Cloth Paper Scissors, which I have had the honor to have my work published in both and be a guest on Quilting Arts TV. She is the founder of Craft Napa, a mixed media retreat in Napa that I taught at for 4 years. We ALL surrounded her with our love! 

Leslie Tucker Jenison and I went to our favorite coffee place in the Oxbow Market to have a reunion of our own. It had been two years since we had seen one another. 

The crew who helped get the wedding area ready for the wedding by hanging quilts in the tennis court and the flags on a hedge near the dinner area. Oh the utter joy of reuniting with vaccinated friends! 

Leslie Tucker Jenison, Carrie Bloomston and I organized a ‘secret project’ of love flags from quilters who were attending the wedding and some Craft Napa teachers. Our goal was to surround her with our love. Pokey was definitely surprised. 

Tied with love. 

Their vows were humorous, serious and full of love. Carrie really set the tone as we all closed our eyes and had a private meditation before it began. White parasols for guests to block the sun out. It was one of the most memorable weddings I have ever attended. I am still smiling about it

Cocktails and passed plates of deliciousness in the redwood grove. Leslie, Carol Soderlund and me

Libby Williamson and me

The dinner area and you can see the flags hanging on the hedge

My spiral quilt went to the party!

Brunch at Grace’s Table in Napa. They make the best pancakes! 

Flower boat made especially for P&P

The quilters! What an incredibly joyful day! 

Leslie, me and Libby the day after! So much joy to go around!


  1. A beautiful wedding with abundant love & caring.

  2. Lovely to see the pictures, the friendships, the quilts, the happy couple, everything! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I LOVE this post but I am wondering why you put such a big emphasis on "vaccinated" guests and friends. I can't get the vaccine for medical reasons. If I were a friend would I have been shunned from the wedding? I truly would love an answer!!

  4. I had the pleasure of attending Pokey and Patrick's wedding last week in Napa, surrounded by so much love and joy. I’ve known Pokey since 2003, and she’s been such an inspiration. She founded Quilting Arts magazine and later Cloth Paper Scissors, both of which I’ve had the honor to be published in. I was also a guest on Quilting Arts TV, which was an amazing experience. Pokey also started Craft Napa, a mixed media retreat, where I taught for four years. It was wonderful to celebrate this special day with so many vaccinated friends. Amid all this, I’m still managing my work with a medical billing company, balancing my passion for art and career. Surrounded by all that love, it was truly a perfect day.


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