Thursday, January 25, 2024

Patterns and Doodles

I have a couple of handmade books that have doodles and patterns in them, but needed a purse size version

This is the brand of book I bought. The pages are silky and my pen glides when I draw!

I used books like these when I was a fabric designer to give me ideas

Love this one!

Grids and other fun stuff

Circles and flowers

More to come! Thanks for visiting me!

1 comment:

  1. The blog focusing on unique and artistic designs. It may specialize in fabric art, quilts, and handmade pieces that reflect a distinctive artistic style. The platform likely offers products, workshops, or inspiration for crafters and design enthusiasts. Jamie Fingal's work may incorporate vibrant colors, modern patterns, and personalized touches in her creations. The goal is to bring creativity and handmade artistry to various design projects, catering to a community of makers and designers.
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